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The Reaction of Peripheral Urban Districts: The Essence of the Concept and Its Economic Content


Yelena B. Dvoryadkina

Yekaterina I. Kaibicheva

Alisa Yu. Titovets


The paper reviews the definitions of the concept “reaction” in natural and political sciences and outlines principal approaches to its interpretation. The authors suggest applying this concept in regional economics, and formulate their own definition of the concept “municipality’s reaction” as a set of action, states, processes, appearing as a response to an impact of any kind of regional economic processes, objects and phenomena, accompanied by dynamics of corresponding municipal indicators. The paper reveals main regional parameters, the changes in which lead to reactions on the part of peripheral urban districts: gross regional product, indicators characterizing the efficiency of regional production, structure and volumes of regional budget, employment. The authors demonstrate that the degree of a municipality’s reaction depends on a number of factors formed both at regional and local levels.

Keywords: periphery; urban district; reaction; economic reaction; socioeconomic systems; regional economy.

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For citation:

Dvoryadkina Ye. B., Kaybicheva Ye. I., Titovets A. Yu. Reaktsiya periferiynykh gorodskikh okrugov: sushchnost’ ponyatiya i ego ekonomicheskoe soderzhanie [The reaction of peripheral urban districts: The essence of the concept and its economic content]. Izvestiya Uralskogo gosudarstvennogo ekonomicheskogo universiteta – Journal of the Ural State University of Economics, 2017, no. 4 (72), pp. 45–56.